Knud (some records have Knut) was born in Norway about 1830. He enlisted as a Private in Company D 1st Minnesota Heavy Artillery on 10 October 1864 in Fillmore County. He was discharged on 20 June 1865. He started receiving his pension on 16 May 1878 and his wife started receiving a widow's pension on 17 October 1907 in Minnesota. He is listed in the Minnesota 1883 Pensioners Roll as Kneed Rasmusson; suffering from liver disease, started receiving $8.00 monthly in August 1880. In the 1885 and 1890 Census reports he is in Georgetown. He filed immigration papers 1898 - 1900. He is listed in the Clay County 1905 Tax rolls. The Vesterheim Norwegians in the Civil War lists him as Knut Rasmussen residing in Winneshiek County, Iowa; from Stavanger, Norway; post war residence in Clay County, Minnesota.
From History of Clay and Norman Counties, Minnesota (1918): "Christian Rehder, owner of seven hundred and twenty acres of fine land in Alliance township. Clay county, for many years chairman of the board of supervisors of that township, president of the Farmers Elevator Company of Comstock, vice-president of the State Bank of Comstock, a member of the board of directors of the Northwestern Hospital at Moorhead, formerly treasurer of his home township, formerly overseer of roads in his district and in other ways for years actively identified with the civic and business interests of the community in which he has lived since pioneer days, is a native of Germany, but has been a resident of this country since he was twenty-one years of age and of Clay county since the year 1884, one of the most substantial citizens and homestead farmers in the southern part of the county. He was born on August 13, i860, son of John and Magdalina Rehder, also natives of Germany, the former of whom died many years ago in his native land. The widow Rehder later married Fred Kuehl, father of Bendix Kuehl, a biographical sketch of whom is presented elsewhere in this volume. About 1889, some time after he had become well settled in Clay county. Christian Rehder sent lor his molher and his step-father and they came from Germany and located at Sabin, where Mr. Kuehl spent his last days, his widow thereafter making her home with her son Christian, her last days being spent there.
Reared in his native land, Christian Rehder received his schooling there and remained there until he was twenty-one years of age when, in 1881, he came to the United States and located at Davenport, Iowa, in which city and in the vicinity whereof he remained for about eighteen months, the most
of that time being engaged in farm labor. He then went to Des Moines and was there engaged, driving a delivery wagon and working in the coal mines, until his marriage in 1884, in which year he came up here into the Red River country, Sabin being his destination, and in June of that year homesteaded the southeast quarter of section 30 of Alliance township, in Clay county, established his home there and has ever since resided there, he and his family being very comfortably situated. When Mr. Rehder settled on that quarter section it was raw prairie land and for six years after settling there he farmed with oxen. He planted a line grove, which is now an attractive feature of the landscape thereabout, and gradually improved his place: replacing his original homestead building with buildings of a substantial character, and has for years had one of the best-ordered farm plants in that part of the country. As his affairs prospered Mr. Rehder added to his homestead holdings by purchase of additional land and now has a well-improved and profitably cultivated farm of seven hundred and twenty acres. Of late years he has given considerai)le attention to the raising of potatoes, which have proven to be such a desirable crop in this region, and has done much to encourage potato culture among his neighbors. Not only has he done well in his farming operations, but Mr. Rehder has for years given his intelligent attention to the general business affairs of his community. He helped to organize the Farmers Elevator Company at Comstock and is now president of the same. He also assisted in the organization of the State Bank of Comstock, a member of the board of directors from the beginning of that sound financial institution, and is now vice-president of the same. In all measures having to do with the community's general welfare he also has taken a warm personal interest and is a member of the board of directors of the Northwestern Hospital at Moorhead. In civic affairs Mr. Rehder also has taken an active interest and for many years has been serving as a member of the board of township supervisors, for years past chairman of the board. He also for years served as overseer of roads in his
district, in that capacity doing much to encourage the better-roads movement hereabout, and also served for some time as treasurer of his home township. He also helped to organize the Comstock and Holy Cross Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of which he is treasurer.
In 1884, about three years after coming to this country. Christian was united in marriage to Christina Schnoor, who also was born in Germany, and to this union eight children have been born, Franz, Adelia, Bertha, Selma, Paulina, Henning, Edward and Max, all of whom are living. The Rehders
are members of the Lutheran church at Sabin, with the affairs of which they have been closely identified for years, Mr. Rehder having helped to build the present house of worship and parsonage of that congregation, and take an earnest interest in church work, as well as in the general good works and social activities of the community in which they live."
On 28 March 1902, Christian was appointed Postmaster of the Post Office Bona, located just east of Sabin.
Christian's burial with tombstone photo and links to his wife and children can be found here.
Frank was born 30 Novmber 1830 in Germany. He enlisted in Company G, 9th Minnesota Regiment Infantry from St. Cloud, Minnesota on 19 August 1862. He was mustered out on 30 June 1865. In the 1890 and 1900 Minnesota census reports he is living in Moorhead. Frank died on 15 December 1905 in Moorhead and is buried in the Moorhead St. Josephs Cemetery. Burial, Tombstone Picture.
In at least 2006, 2008, and 2009 Andres is one of two Civil War veterans celebrated by the Concordia Cemetery Association. In addition, his tombstone indicates he was in Company E, 2nd Minnesota Infantry Regiment; however, no other records can be found for him. It is assumed that his Civil War records are under a different name. Burial, Tombstone Picture.
Oliver was born about 1842 in Canada [Note: this could be a date he gave for civil war enlistment as most Oliver Riley sources in Minnesota show an about 1845 in Canada]. Oliver enlisted at Brownington, Vermont on 25 May 1863 and mustered in Company L, 1st Vermont Heavy Artillery Regiment [Note: some records indicate 11th Virginia Infantry Regiment] on 10 June 1863. He was wounded at Cold Harbor [(Old) Cold Harbor, Virginia] on 1 June 1864. He was transferred to Company C on 24 June 1865 and was mustered out on 18 July 1865. He started receiving his pension on 29 February 1867. He is on the 1883 Pensioners List in Barnesville at $4 a month for a wounded right foot. Except for the Pensioners List his whereabouts and death/burial are not for certain. There is an Oliver Riley buried in Hillside Cemetery, Minneapolis at plot B-30-1 VET GAR [assumed Veteran Garden] with no dates. There is an Oliver Riley living in Otter Tail and Washington counties and one who died on 8 October 1930 [note above birth date comment].
See Vermont in the Civil War for more information.
Narve was born 28 September 1844 in Norway. He enlisted as a Private in Company G, 13th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment on 11 February 1865 and was mustered out 24 Novemer 1865 in San Antonio, Texas. He started receiving his pension on 21 February 1924 and his wife, Gor, started receiving a widow's pension on 6 February 1931. In the 1890 Census he is in Sabin and in the 1900 through 1930 census he is in Holy Cross Township. Narve died 10 June 1930 in Moorhead and is buried in Riverside Cemetery in Fargo. Burial, Tombstone Picture
From the Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum Civil War Database
Residence: Plymouth Township, Rock County, Wisconsin. Born 26 Sep 1843 in Nes, Buskerud, Norway. Came with his parents and three siblings on the “Columbo”, which sailed from Havre, France, and reached New York on 29 Aug 1846. Civil War: Private. Post war: Became a farmer near Moorhead, Minnesota. Lived in Comstock, Minnesota. Married on 11 Nov 1870 to Gro Gulllingsrud. He died in June 1930, and was buried at Fargo, North Dakota. Sources: (Ulvestad p325) (Naeseth ’46-1349