Otto Dahl, though still young in years, has
won recognition as a thoroughly competent
and successful business man at Felton, Clay
county, and was born on a farm in Wisconsin in
1871, where his father, Anton Dahl, who was
born in Norway, and an emigrant to the
United States, was engaged in farming. Otto
Dahl was the first born of a family of eight
children. He was well educated, and completed
his schooling in a college at Decorah, Iowa.
His father died when he was but twelve years
of age, and from the time he was fifteen until
he was twenty-four the farm was entrusted to
him. It consisted of a quarter-section, and was
largely devoted to stock raising.
Otto Dahl came to Minnesota in 1897, and
locating at Felton, secured a small interest in a
store, which he managed in partnership with
his uncle, J. T. Opsahl. In the spring of
1900 Mr. Dahl sold his interest in the store to
Mr. Opsahl, and established a general store
at Felton, with his brother-in-law, T. 0. Melby,
as partner, where he quickly secured a
very remunerative patronge. In the fall of
1901 they opened a branch store at Borup,
Minnesota, where they also have a general line
of merchandise, under the management of Mr. Melby. This firm handles farm produce on a
very extensive scale.
Mr. Dahl was married in the fall of 1897
to Miss May Dewell, of Decorah, Iowa. She
comes of an American family, and is the
mother of two children, William A. and Doris.
Her father, Herbert Dewell, was a farmer at
Leroy, Minnesota.
Mr. Dahl belongs to the Modern Brotherhood
of America, and has been identified with
that order since the establishment of the camp
at Felton, in 1899, he being one of its charter
members. That year he also assisted in the
organization of the Felton Cornet Band, of
which he is leader and instructor. Mr. Dahl
was active in the formation of the village of
Felton, and has been town clerk and school
clerk some three years. He is a strong Republican
and takes a very active and intelligent
interest in local affairs.
Source: Compendium of Biography of Northern Minnesota.
Jerome was born 1 February 1842 in Laurens, Otsega County, New York. He enlisted as a Private on 31 July 1863 in Malone, New York in Company I, New York 176th Infantry Regiment. He was promoted to Full Corporal on 1 November 1863 and Full Sergeant on 19 September 1865. He mustered out on 27 April 1866 at Savannah, Georgia. He was wounded. In the 1880, 1885, and 1890 Census reports he is living in Glyndon. He was married to Estella. He died in 1912 in Napoleon, Hancock County, Mississippi and is buried there. Burial, Tombstone Picture.
John was born 22 December 1835. He enlisted as a Private on 15 August 1862 from Hastings, Dakota County in Company F, Minnesota 8th Infantry Regiment. He mustered out on 15 August 1865 at Fort Snelling. He started receiving his pension on 17 May 1884. In the 1880 Census he is living in Clarke as a widower with eight children. In the 1890 Veterans Schedule he is living in Clay County. He died 6 October 1899 and is buried in Yankee (Old Yankee/Pioneer) Cemetery in Rollag. Burial, Tombstone Picture.
A Patrick Desmond living in Moorhead was receiving an $8.00 a month disability pension in 1883 due to a wound in the left shoulder. Any other information, at time of this writing is speculation. A Patrick Desmond was murdered in May 1880 in Moorhead and there is a FindAGrave Memorial for a Pat Desmond who died in 1880 located in Moorhead; from the Bismarck Tribune on 7 May 1880: "Patrick Desmond, a saloon keeper at Moorhead, was found murdered in bis bed last Sunday morning. Several parties have been held on suspicion."
The below biography is from "Compendium of History and Biography of Northern Minnesota" published in 1902. Jacob died on 20 April 1905 in Clay County and is buried in the Hawley Cemetery. Burial, Tombstone Picture
Jacob Dinsmore, now living in retirement in
the village of Hawley, Clay county, Minnesota,
is one of the most prominent men of northwest
Minnesota, and his career as a soldier is unsurpassed by the records of the war.
Mr. Dinsmore is a native of Westmoreland
county, Pennsylvania, and was born November 9,
1832. He was the eldest in a family of seven
children born to John and Susan (Grinewalt)
Dinsmore, both natives of America, and of Irish
and German descent, respectively. Our subject
was reared on a farm and learned the trade of
carpenter when eighteen years of age.
At the breaking out of the Civil war he responded to his country's first call and enlisted April 14, 1861, in Company E, Seventeenth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and spent the summer and fall in West Virginia and Kentucky, the company having during that time but one slight skirmish to its credit, the battle of Green Briar.
Their first general engagement was at Shiloh.
At the battle of Prairieville he was also under
fire and was immediately afterward transferred
to Battery M, Fourth United States Artillery. It
may here be stated that he served in this battery
for nine successive years, during six of which
he was first sergeant. At Stone river his battery
for two days occupied a most prominent position. At Chickamauga, after the death of the
sergeant, he acted as sergeant of the battery, and received a bayonet wound while attempting to spike his gun in the face of a charge. Later in the action he received a scalp wound, and from these injuries was confined in the hospital six weeks. At Franklin and at Nashville he was in the thickest of the fights, and these actions were the last in which his company was engaged during the war. In the fall of 1865 our subject reenlisted in his old battery and was sent to the Great Lakes on account of the Fenian troubles, where he remained two years. For two years more he was stationed at Ft. Washington, and in December, 1871, obtained his discharge and retired to private life at Smithville, North Carolina. In the spring of 1873, after having passed
the previous winter in Buffalo, New York, he
came west to the Red river valley, locating at
Detroit, in Becker county. Minnesota, where he
followed the trade of carpenter for five years. In
1878 he invested in a farm on Buffalo river, near Glyndon, and settled down to farm life. He developed a farm of three hundred and twenty
acres and operated it with success until advancing
years inclined him to a retired life. In the spring
of 1901 he disposed of his farm and arranged for
a home in the village of Hawley.
Mr. Dinsmore was married, in 1866, to
Margaret Cassidy. Of this marriage there were
two living children: John, farming near
Glyndon; and Margaret, now Mrs. Peter Wouters, of
Clay county. There is probably not a man in
Clay county who is better known in public affairs or who enjoys the esteem of a wider circle
of devoted friends than does Mr. Dinsmore. In
1882 he was elected a member of the board of
county commissioners and served in that capacity nine years, being chairman of the board
for six years of that period. He has been prominent as a member of the Republican county central committee, is a member of the G. A. R. at
Moorhead, L. H. Tinney Post. No. 103. He
has been a Master Mason for twenty-eight years.
John was born about 1831 in New York. He enlisted in Company K, Wisconsin 11th Infantry Regiment on 17 September 1863 from Vinland, Winnebago County, Wisconsin. He was promoted to Full Sergeant. He mustered out on 4 September 1865. While living in the Barnesville area he belonged to the Grand Army of the Republic, Post 145. John began drawing his pension on 21 May 1875. His wife, Francis, began drawing a widow's pension on 3 May 1890. At least two children are known as Nellie born about 1859 and John born about 1861 both in Wisconsin. John died before May 1890 and is buried at Barnesville City Cemetery